Death Star Trench, Star Wars

LEDs from Evans Design
Antenna dish from Shapeways

“You’re all clear, kid. Now let’s blow this thing and go home".”

Plenty of action here as Luke pushes on to the Death Star’s vulnerable exhaust port while being chased by (spoiler alert) his father. Han Solo is coming to the rescue has he dives in to the trench to distract Luke’s pursuers. In the mean time Green Squadron is in hot pursuit of a flight of Tie Fighters.

Nathan continues to expand and add detail to his Death Star Trench diorama. The scene included 15 Death Star Attack kits, 5 Tie Fighter kits, 1 Tie Advance Kit, 1 Millennium Falcon, and 6 X-Wing Fighter kits. Believe or not, Nathan says he’s not done.

All spacecraft kits are enhanced with LEDs from Evens Design. The Millennium Falcon kit was “back dated” with an antenna dish from Shapeways.